8 Quotes About Grimm Fairy Tale

When you’re looking for a little more magic in your life, these fairy tales are just what you need. Fairy tales are often times the kind of stories that are best retold, passed on from generation to generation. And when they’re about Grimm-Tale characters, it’s even better! The Grimm brothers collected folk tales from around Germany and published them in the late 1800s. These tales are full of morals, morals that are timeless.

The demon of revenge had already taken hold of his heart. The cancer of injustice had already eaten at his cheerful soul, leaving a skeleton of a carcass behind, one that could never feel compassion for humans–or anything else–again. Cameron Jace
How would I feel about hearing that the plague killed another nearby village a month later? Didn’t I tell you stupidity is the eighth sin? Excerpt From: Cameron Jace. “. Cameron Jace
ROSA MET ME at the door with a shotgun. Strictly speaking, not aimed at me, but you don’t really have to aim a sawed-off shotgun. She swung it toward me. “You, get in there.” She turned her attention to the crowd. “The rest of you will take a number and have a seat.” Her paperwork skills might have been lousy, but her personal touch was something I aspired to. J.C. Nelson
IF I HAD a dime for every time I’ve heard “We’re all going to die” or “I’ll kill you, ” I could afford a better apartment. You can only listen to so many threats of destruction, doom, or death before you start tuning them all out. So I followed the wolf out of the building, then went home. J.C. Nelson
I shook my head. “I thought you had a ‘No princesses’ rule.”“ Rules are made to be broken, ” said Grimm.Ari sat back in the chair, her eyes closed.“ Of course, young lady, there’s the matter of how we sign our contracts.”“ Not gonna happen.” Ari threw a pen at the mirror for emphasis. J.C. Nelson
IN MY DEFENSE, I didn’t mean to start the Apocalypse. It wasn’t just my personal aversion to oblivion; I had a clear financial motive: The end of the world is bad for business. J.C. Nelson
How above-the-law children's books are. Hansel and Gretel (littering, breaking and entering), Rumpelstiltskin (forced labor), Snow White (conspiracy to commit murder), Rapunzel (break of contract). Sloane Crosley