2 Quotes About Gott

Did you know that the word "gott" has a very specific meaning? Gott means "God," and is a German word for God. Since the word Gott means God, it comes from the word Got, which means "the power of God." Gotts is a Germanic name that originally belonged to the Norse god Odin. In Old English, the word got meant "mighty," and in Old High German, got meant "the mighty one." This is why the term gotts was also used to refer to Odin, who was known as the Mighty One. In old times, people often prayed to Odin for help or protection. To pray in a direct way to a god or a deity, one would use a phrase like this: "Odin help me." This prayer is still used in German today when people want help from Odin Read more

For example, when someone breaks their leg in a car accident, they can say: "Odin help me." In other words, when you pray in German to Odin, you are asking for his divine power to protect you from harm. So when you see people using gotts in their prayers, they are asking for the divine power of the Almighty. In English, we have not forgotten where we get our words from and we use them frequently. When we pray and ask for help and protection from God Almighty, we say: “God bless me” or “God protect me” — but we can also ask him to “bless” or “protect” us by saying: “May God be with me” or “May God bless me.” So be thankful that we do not need to change any of our prayers into another language just because we are using gotts instead of Gott!