5 Quotes About Good Listener

There is nothing more important than giving and receiving the gift of listening. Good listeners don’t talk all the time, they listen. When we listen, we hear the other person’s perceptions, interests, and ideas that we might not otherwise pick up on. Listening is a powerful way to communicate and learn about others and ourselves Read more

There is no better time than now to focus on what is most important: listening.

Pour your heart out to me and fill my emptiness...
Pour your heart out to me and fill my emptiness with your grief. Ahmed Mostafa
A leader must be a good listener. He must be willing to take counsel. He must show a genuine concern and love for those under his stewardship. James Faust
You prove to people that you don’t pay attention to their words when they see that you don’t remember what they tell you earlier. Israelmore Ayivor
Be a good listener. With rapt attention, let every communication or conversation you have with your mentor, friends or even strangers be well understood. Israelmore Ayivor