4 Quotes About Ghostgirl

The ghost girl is a girl who has died in her sleep. She is sometimes seen in dreams by children who are afraid of dying, or by people who have lost someone they love. In other cases, she also appears as a traveler from the spirit world to help those who have died as well as those who are about to die. The spirit girl may appear as a young woman or an old woman, but her true form is unknown Read more

She typically wears a sash that resembles a shroud and a pair of wings on her back. Her hair may be pulled back into a bun or a ponytail. Some say she wears a ring on her finger, but this can vary from person to person.

She often appears with an infant child she holds to the chest, and the child is often crying.

You did what your heart told you to do, ' Brain complimented. 'It is what leaders, not followers, do. Tonya Hurley
You can only get outside yourself by looking inside. Tonya Hurley
You'd kill yourself for recognitionkill yourself to never, ever stop You broke another mirroryou're turning into something you are not. Tonya Hurley