12 Quotes About Generousity

Um, I could write a book about this one. The best part about being generous is that it’s not about how much money you give, but the act of giving itself. When you are generous it is because you are yourself. It is because you are not attached to the gift or the giver, but because you are ready to share with others what you have learned or experienced or wish to share Read more

And not only will the giver benefit from your generosity, but you will too!

I should like the woman I choose to be very...
I should like the woman I choose to be very honest, generous, and to have a sincere faith in God, rather than mindlessly following the rules. Melanie Dickerson
A generous heart is always open, always ready to receive our going and coming. In the midst of such love we need never fear abandonment. This is the most precious gift true love offers - the experience of knowing we always belong. Bell Hooks
The rule for J.O.Y is Jesus, Others and You. You can’t have a perfect joy if all you think about is about how to groom your life! Israelmore Ayivor
In reality, the world is not an arena of comfort but comfort that works! Comfort that makes impact! Yes, comfort that changes lives and leaves a distinctive footprint! Truly, comfort that does not work is only discomfort at work in silence. So many people shall dwell in comfort without working with it only to meet discomfort one day and remember comfort! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
True compassion does not sit on the laps of renovation; it dives with an approach to reconstruction. Don't throw a coin at a begger. Rather, destroy his source of poverty. Israelmore Ayivor
The little I have, I share with you; the little you have, you also share with me. Together we all have a full share of everything. Share with me your Love as I share with you my Peace; together we have full share of Unity! Israelmore Ayivor
Life is about getting and sharing. The more you share, the more you get ....and the more you get, the more your sharing responsibility multiplies. Israelmore Ayivor
If old age is good for anything it's good for being generous. William Kuhn
Giving is an act of generosity. Giving is sowing a seed. The seed will produce great harvest of fruits. Lailah Gifty Akita
Milena found Cilia outside, holding her bamboo box. Milena hugged her. ‘I’m sorry about your shins, ’ she said. Milena lifted the lid of the box, and saw it, the precious paper, ruled in staves. People were generous. Milena had never believed that. Geoff Ryman