5 Quotes About Gayle-Forman

Gayle Forman, the author of If I Stay, was born in 1955. She attended Columbia University in New York City and graduated in 1977 with a degree in English literature. From 1979 to 1982, she was employed as an editor for the American Book Review. In 1983 she became an editor for Simon & Schuster and in 1990 became an editor for Hyperion Books Read more

She also worked as a freelance editor. She has written many other novels including Where She Went (2004), Where She Went (2004), The Surrender (2005), Where She Went (2008), Where She Went (2008), Where She Went (2009), Where She Went (2010) and Where She Went (2011).

Please Mia,
Please Mia, " he implores. "Don't make me write a song. Gayle Forman
I remember watching it all and getting the tickling in my chest and thinking to myself: This is what happiness feels like. Gayle Forman
A journey of a thousand miles starts with just ten digits. Gayle Forman
You must not waste your one day here. When the sun shines, you let it shine on you. Snow is always waiting. Gayle Forman