5 Quotes About Gaining Knowledge

The world is full of knowledge, and we can gain so much from it. From simple facts to complex ideas, the world has so much to offer us. But not everything we read, hear, or see is accurate. For that reason, it’s important to learn how to discern fact from fiction Read more

You can use these fact-checking quotes to help you figure out what’s true and what isn’t.

The energy I want to put out in the world...
The energy I want to put out in the world is the kind of energy even people that don’t fuck with me appreciate and benefit from. Positivity is all I want in my life. Genereux Philip
Life's greatest lessons were not shown to me, read to...
Life's greatest lessons were not shown to me, read to me, illustrated or explained to me; they happened to me. Richelle E. Goodrich
The road to knowledge has no definite end to it. It keeps on going for however long your stay on earth is. Unknown
It really takes a wise person to understand that there is nothing shameful about constantly asking questions about the things that one is unfamiliar with. Moreover, you have to seek knowledge in order to gain knowledge. Unknown