5 Quotes About Fusion

Fusion is a wonderful thing. It brings together different elements of both our lives, giving us the opportunity to create something new and exciting. Sometimes, fusion can be a bit challenging. It’s easy to get lost in the details and lose sight of the bigger picture Read more

Here are some inspiring fusion quotes from famous people to help you keep your eyes on the prize!

The 'magic' is the known and unknown quiet, spiritual, invisible thread which links and reveals harmonic elements to a universe of high vibrational sensory. And our beloved Bro. Maurice David knew it's undeniable creative power, from within. T.F. Hodge
There are people who feel they should be with you, but something is preventing them from coming close. Please can you just lower the frequency of your stern looking face and smile...and they will make you their habit. Michael Bassey Johnson
As chemists, we must rename [our] scheme and insert the symbols Ba, La, Ce in place of Ra, Ac, Th. As nuclear chemists closely associated with physics, we cannot yet convince ourselves to make this leap, which contradicts all previous experience in nuclear physics. Otto Hahn
It is impossible to imagine a more complete fusion with nature than that of the Gypsy. Franz Liszt