4 Quotes About Frankness

1. What are you, afraid of? 2. Why are you afraid of what people will think? 3.  What do you do when something scares you? 4 Read more

What do you say to yourself when you’re scared? 5. What do you say to yourself when you’re nervous? 6. What do we learn from the wise and the foolish? 7.

Why don’t we always say what we mean? 8. Why is it that some people say one thing and mean another? 9. Why is it that some people seem to be happy all the time, and others seem miserable most of the time? 10.

Who is the wisest man in the world and why don’t we listen to him? 11. Who is the wisest man in the world and why don’t we listen to him, and why don’t we listen to him more often than we do? 12. Who is the wisest man in the world and why don’t we listen to him, and who is he? 13.

Who knows what life would be like if we had listened to him more often than we have listened to him now? 14. Why don’t we listen more often than we do, and why don’t we listen more often than we do, and why don’t we listen more often than we do, and why don’t we listen more often than we do? 15. What does he have on us that makes us not listen as much as he says that he wants us to listen? <———So great! ? 16.

Who is he that says that he wants us not only to listen as much as he says that he wants us to, but also as much as he says that he doesn’t want us not to listen as much as he says that he doesn’t want us not to listen as much as he says that he doesn’t want us not to listen as much as he says that he doesn’t want us not to listen as much as he says that he doesn’t want us not to listen as much as he says that he doesn’t want us not to listen as much as he says that he doesn’t want us not to listen as much as he says that he doesn

In order that all men may be taught to speak...
In order that all men may be taught to speak truth, it is necessary that all likewise should learn to hear it. Samuel Johnson
In the guise of frankness many people ruin their world by saying unpleasant things to friends and family. The bad words make them a bad world. Girdhar Joshi
The barber's assistant asks if I am a Swede. An American? Not that either. A Russian? Well, then, what are you? I love to answer such nationalistically tinted questions with a steely silence, and to leave people who ask me about my patriotic feelings in the dark. Or I tell lies and say that I'm Danish. Some kinds of frankness are only hurtful and boring. Robert Walser