3 Quotes About Food Additction

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but sometimes overeating can be the downfall of our health. To ensure that you are making the right food choices, check out these food-addition quotes that will give you some new ideas to keep your diet on track.

..the reward centers of the brain--where the pleasure of those high-calorie foods registers--also respond to other substances that bring about pleasure.. But those reward centers also respond to other gratifying things, like watching a sunset or experiencing a loving touch.. So while you may not be able to change the wiring in your brain, you can "feed" those reward centers other pleasures.. Biology isn't destiny when you have effective strategies.. . Bob Greene
Eating — overeating — saved me. It comforted me when I was at the mercy of grown-ups who didn't know how to give what I needed. Food was something to which I had ready access, and with it I cleverly fashioned a survival mechanism that pulled me back from the edge of insanity. — a young MacGuyver of angst and junk food. Kim Brittingham