8 Quotes About Financial Crisi

The financial crisis is a unique time for people and their homes. The value of their houses and savings is plummeting, and they’re afraid of losing everything they’ve worked hard to obtain. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way! The collection of financial-crisis quotes below will help you overcome the crisis and move on to a better future with a brighter outlook.

...If you look at mainstream economics there are three things you will not find in a mainstream economic model - Banks, Debt, and Money. How anybody can think they can analyze capital while leaving out Banks, Debt, and Money is a bit to me like an ornithologist trying to work out how a bird flies whilst ignoring that the bird has wings... Steve Keen
With the power of God, we can scale any wall. Lailah Gifty Akita
Let's stop kidding ourselves that Greek debt is the Euro's key problem. With Greece gone, who's next ? Alex Morritt
The people who would praise you for living lavishly, would be the same ones to laugh at you if your were to find yourself in the pit of financial crisis. Unknown
Imagine the big rating agencies as three competitive saloons standing side by side, with each free to set its own drinking age. Before long, nine-year-olds would be downing bourbon Roger Lowenstein
Financial illiteracy is like being in a rain storm and trying to jump in between the raindrops... eventually it all catches you at the same time. Johnnie Dent Jr.
Hedge funds have made massive leveraged credit bets, knowing that their upside is billions in fees and their downside is millions in fees. Janet M. Tavakoli