8 Quotes About Famous

Famous quotes are the best way to give an insight into the mind of someone who has achieved success. Remembering what they have achieved through their hard work, dedication, and perseverance can inspire us to do the same. Famous quotes are also a great way to teach us about what it takes to be successful. Some famous quotes are also reminders that sometimes the most important things in life are much simpler than we think.

May success chase and find you as you work hard.
May success chase and find you as you work hard. Sola Kosoko
Cleverness in itself is useless. It’s like a peacock’s feathers...
Cleverness in itself is useless. It’s like a peacock’s feathers — an extravagant display used by those who crave attention. The mind’s worth is revealed when clever solves real problems. Sola Kosoko
Pain is our salvation 'cos when it's dark enough, a...
Pain is our salvation 'cos when it's dark enough, a star will reveal itself. Sola Kosoko
Someone is always feeding fat off everything you don't know.
Someone is always feeding fat off everything you don't know. Sola Kosoko
The idea that sins can be forgiven is at the...
The idea that sins can be forgiven is at the root of mankind's problems. Everyone pays...sooner or later. Sola Kosoko
The more you worry about your spending, the less you...
The more you worry about your spending, the less you focus on increasing your capacity. Sola Kosoko
I have nothing but a great head to offer. Is...
I have nothing but a great head to offer. Is that enough? Sola Kosoko