15 Quotes About Faith Seventy Times Seven

Faith is one of the most important things in our lives. We need to have faith in ourselves and in a higher power, or we’ll never achieve anything or be fulfilled. But sometimes we put too much faith in something and it backfires on us. These inspirational faith-seventy-times-seven quotes give a great perspective into the type of faith that will help you succeed and be successful Read more

Let these inspiring quotes about faith guide you as you move forward with your life.

When I leave this earthly home and go up to God to dwell, someone will look on the heaped up grave and whisper, "She tried to do well. Unknown
I had a love affair with life, and as is the custom, I will lose, but will regain a greater love with my heavenly Father. Unknown
Life has been dark but full of light; sad, but full of joy; disappointing, but full of hope; needy but full of plenty, sick but full of health. Unknown
You will never know just how thrilled my heart is to behold such a throng of people; especially as they have gathered to pay tribute and love's greatest honor to loved ones who, today, are basking in the sunshine of God's heaven. Unknown
I want to be like Jesus in my heart. Unknown
The Klan as an Order stands behind Pure Womanhood and...
The Klan as an Order stands behind Pure Womanhood and it is an inspiration to look into the face of one of your sex occupying the sacred desk and administering the Word of God to this people. James Brice Klan
Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds' influence on the lives of many people in Louisiana and elsewhere has been immeasurable. Countless hundreds will rise up in the last day to call her 'blessed. Unknown
I'm proud to have been the son of so great a woman. Unknown
She was only a dew drop that sparkled a short while under the brilliant rays of heaven's sunlight. Unknown
If you can keep alive in your heart the spirit of cheerfulness, the love of the wonderful, the sweet amazement of happy thoughts, the challenge of service, the lure of tomorrow and the joy of today, you will never grow old. Unknown
To be a good pastor one must have the wisdom of a Solomon, the intuition of a Newton, the patience of Job, the thinking faculties of an Einstein, and a compassion likened unto the Son of God. Unknown
We most respectfully submit that the word "Man" with reference to a human being is a generic term, and as used in the Holy Scripture, and constitution and the other confessional statements of our church as no reference to sex, but should be construed to, and does, in fact, include the human being whether male or female. (1921) Reverend E.B McEuen
No woman will be licensed to preach in the Louisiana Presbytery as long as I'm a member of it! Reverend John Clampitt
If I left any good or planted any flowers among thorns, the credit goes to God and my many substantial friends. Unknown