6 Quotes About Eurocentrism

Centrism is a political and social philosophy that believes the center of a society's power and authority resides with the middle class and the middle class alone. Centrists believe that society is best served when those in the middle are given the opportunity to make decisions by those on either side. A good example of eurocentrism is how people in Europe, such as Germany, favor policies which make everyone equal. On the other hand, those in America favor policies which give greater opportunities for those who were born into wealth or with more privilege.

Eurocentrism is quite simply the colonizer's model of the world. J.M. Blaut
Technology has become the West’s main prop to its claims of inherent superiority over the non- West, and the reason why the non- West should adopt Western culture. If advanced technology is particular to Western culture, then it is only by Westernizing that the non- West can obtain it. This argument collapses if Western technology can be adopted in isolation from the broader culture, or if other cultures can generate significant technology independently. Peter A. Lorge
China failed to maintain its technological lead, and a similar failure throughout Asia to take advantage of the early exposure to that head start transformed precocity into a false dawn. Perversely, Asian improvements and adaptations of current (twentieth- to twenty-first-century) Western-developed technology are taken as further signs of lack of creativity. Peter A. Lorge
It is a truism, easily forgotten, that the West, in its modern phase, has not stood still. Also easily forgotten is the fact that "the West" is a relative concept only. Without an "East" or a "non-West" to compare it with, it would quite simply not exist; there would be no word for it in our vocabulary. If the concept of the West did not exist, of course, the spatial variations within the geographical area now subsumed under "the West" would loom larger in our minds. The difference between France and America might seem just as great as those between China and the West. Paul A. Cohen
Far from being Eurocentric, my analysis "exoticizes" Europe. Europe is historically aberrant. In some ways this was a historical accident, not entirely Europe's fault. But, in any case, it is nothing about which Europe should boast. Perhaps Europe and the world will one day be cured of this terrible malady with which Europe (and through Europe the world) has been afflicted. Immanuel Wallerstein