18 Quotes About Equilibrium

There’s no doubt that we live in a very fast-paced and technology-driven society. As we spend more and more time online, we need to make sure we maintain the right balance between our lives and our digital world. The collection of quotes below will help you stay balanced and grounded as you move forward in your digital life.

The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For...
The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh. Samuel Beckett
For Equilibrium, a Blessing:Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore, May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul. As the wind loves to call things to dance, May your gravity by lightened by grace. Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth, May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect. As water takes whatever shape it is in, So free may you be about who you become. As silence smiles on the other side of what's said, May your sense of irony bring perspective. As time remains free of all that it frames, May your mind stay clear of all it names. May your prayer of listening deepen enoughto hear in the depths the laughter of god. . John Odonohue
Life rises out of death, death rises out of life; in being opposite they yearn to each other, they give birth to each other and are forever reborn. And with them, all is reborn, the flower of the apple tree, the light of the stars. In life is death. In death is rebirth. What then is life without death? Life unchanging, everlasting, eternal?- What is it but death-death without rebirth? Unknown
Death and life are the same thing-like the two sides of my hand, the palm and the back. And still the palm and the back are not the same... They can be neither separated, nor mixed. Unknown
Common man's patience will bring him more happiness than common...
Common man's patience will bring him more happiness than common man's power. Amit Kalantri
To light a candle is to cast a shadow... Unknown
You must let what happens happen. Everything must be equal in your eyes, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, foolish and wise. Michael Ende
Living above the world, each discovering his own weight, seeing his face brighten and darken with the day, the night, each of the four inhabitants of the house was aware of a presence that was at once a judge and a justification among them. The world, here, became a personage, counted among those from whom advice is gladly taken, those in whom equilibrium has not killed love. Albert Camus
A non-religious person when awaken would make others sleep. Therefore his sleeping is good. A religious person when awaken will awaken others. Therefore his awakening is good. Lord Mahavira
A non-religious prison when awaken would make others sleep. Therefore his sleeping is good. A religious person when awaken will awaken others. Therefore his awakening is good. Lord Mahavira
When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow. Unknown
A person must be in tune with the light and dark forces of their nature and remain in harmony with the bands of their own multivariate being. Kilroy J. Oldster
Just as only one discordant note has the power to disturb an entire symphony, the accordance between a body and its soul can be a broken by only one discordant event. To ensure and maintain an optimal fit, one must deliberately and continuously choreograph the equilibrium of the body, mind, and soul. Ina Catrinescu
No great thing comes without a curse. Sophocies
We see, then, that even from the zoological point of view, which is the least interesting and–note this–not decisive, a being in such condition can never achieve a genuine equilibrium; we also see something that differs from the idea of challenge-response in Toynbee and, in my judgement, effectively constitutes human life: namely, that no surroundings or change of surroundings can in itself be described as an obstacle, a difficulty, and a challenge for man, but that the difficulty is always relative to the projects which man creates in his imagination, to what he customarily calls his ideals; in short, relative to what man wants to be. This affords us an idea of challenge-and-response which is much deeper and more decisive than the merely anecdotal, adventitious, and accidental idea which Toynbee proposes. In its light, all of human life appears to us as what it is permanently: a dramatic confrontation and struggle of man with the world and not a mere occasional maladjustment which is produced at certain moments. Unknown
Equilibrium is the state of death, only chaos produces life The Ancient Greeks have been driven to extinction by too much search for architectural harmony. Unknown
Physics depends on a universe infinitely centred on an equals sign. Mark Z. Danielewski