30 Quotes About Energy

We all feel like there is something more out there for us. No matter what your current situation, it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in a rut. That’s why we need to find ways to change our circumstances. The following energy quotes will help you discover new ways of thinking and feeling that will give you the motivation you need to move forward.

In business, sport, entertainment and beyond an idea is worth next to nothing. The energy, effort, passion, talent, tenacity, strategy, resilience and resourcefulness to see it through and make something of it is worth everything. Rasheed Ogunlaru
Life is energy and, as such, it belongs to all,...
Life is energy and, as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all. Donna Goddard
Be the energy you want others to absorb.
Be the energy you want others to absorb. A.D. Posey
Independence can neither be created nor destroyed just like energy! It can only be transferred from a fearless, resilient, intelligent & visionary "form" to another, regardless of what gender you are born with. It's the energy that seeks to free your mind. Vishwanath S J
There is good all around us, but we get so used to it that we forget to celebrate it. The bad and unfortunate circumstances in our lives do not deserve all of our attention and energy. Remember to look for the good and to give that your full time and attention. It makes all the difference. Lindsey Rietzsch
The Time (T) and Energy (E) we invest in others, people will take it and carry it with them. Ken Poirot
Your thoughts exist. Whatever you have thought today, yesterday or many years back, it is energy and it exists. Your attention activates thoughts and it is strengthened with your repetition. Hina Hashmi
Unclutter your life. Unclutter your home. We feel best when everything and everyone around us is in harmony and in balance. The peace and the beauty of your home will raise you up, and give energy to your goals. Eileen Anglin
The west coast is a mecca for wild hearts, wild minds, wild spirits and I’m a WMD–I’ve got so much energy I’m about to explode. Shannon Mullen
Goals and dreams are the entrepreneur’s mental energy. However, the same goals and dreams that drive his behavior will also drive him to an early grave if he doesn’t take care of his physical energy through a mix of exercise and relaxation. Energy manipulation is the ability to feed the mind with dreams and sustain the body so it will keep up with those dreams. Gudjon Bergmann
We are same energies expressing in different forms! Ramana Pemmaraju
We prefer to be around others who bring out the best in us and make us feel good, don’t we? Customers want to do business with people who make them feel valued, appreciated, and happy. Susan C. Young
Bringing a great attitude with positive energy is one of the best strategies you can have for your personal and professional success. Matching our energy with another person’s will help us build rapport and relationships more easily. Susan C. Young
We are all wired with a natural propensity to learn, grow, and expand. Think of the positive things that make you happy, bring you joy, deepen your understanding, and make you feel wonderful. These things enlarge and grow with positive energy, don’t they? The opposite is true as well; negative things make us feel stressed, sad, angry, or overwhelmed. They leave us feeling depleted and contracted. . Susan C. Young
ASK YOURSELF: Who are the people you are drawn to who bring out the best in you? How do they make you feel? Is your positive energy doing the same thing for others? Susan C. Young
Upbeat people make us feel appreciated, important, and fantastic. These are the folks who expand and warm us with their positive energy. Susan C. Young
The Broaden-and-Build Theory in Positive Psychology suggests that positive emotions initiate upward spirals of positivity which contribute to our optimal well-being. It is no wonder positive people are more likely to make a positive impact! Susan C. Young
People who cast a negative energy can make us feel doubtful, devalued, and disrespected. In response, we contract and are left cold as our awesome energy evaporates in their shadow. Downward emotional spirals ensue. Susan C. Young
A light-hearted point to consider: Do you know the number one reason a man falls in love with a woman? Because of how she makes him feel about himself. Do you know the number one reason a man falls out of love with a woman? Because of how she makes him feel about himself! It is the same reason! When you inspire and motivate another person through your positive energy, they want you to stick around! . Susan C. Young
How we feel with someone–if they improve our mood or cause our heart to sink–can determine the health of the relationship. How do you feel around them? It's a simple measurement tool. Susan C. Young
Unfortunately, while people may be considerate with their illness, they often lack the same consideration with their bad attitudes, not thinking twice about spewing their negative energy on everyone around them and making others sick in the process. Talk about making a bad impression, much less setting you up for an unfavorable outcome! Susan C. Young
We live in a universe made up of energy. The energy that binds, as it whirls and swirls physical atoms, exists at varying levels of vibration and frequency. Susan C. Young
Science proves that what appears to be solid is simply moving at a slower rate. Whereas, what is moving, grooving, and flowing, has a higher rate of vibration. We as humans work the same way. Susan C. Young
Like everything else in our world, we too are energy. Each one of us is an energy being releasing our own distinctive energy signature that is perceptible to others by way of our choices, perceptions, behaviors, attitudes, and physical cues. Susan C. Young
You know when you feel good and you know when you feel bad. As a result, you are experiencing and displaying a wide range of energies, aren’t you? Some bring you up, while some bring you down. Start paying attention to your unique energy. Susan C. Young
At networking events, I am a heat-seeking missile for happy, vibrant people. With experience and practice, you can develop a sixth sense about whom to approach and of whom to be wary. I'm drawn to people with positive energy. I would rather be lifted up than pulled down. Wouldn’t you? Susan C. Young
Imagine how your positive attitude feels when you are enjoying a fabulous day–the sky is blue, the grass is green, the birds are singing–and all is right in your world. You are filled with boundless energy and joyful optimism. Life is great! And then .. . you cross the path of an energy vampire whose low vibe and toxic energy drains out every bit of yours–pulling you down. Susan C. Young
The difference between a positive attitude and a negative attitude can be measured by its level of energy, both inwardly and outwardly. Susan C. Young
Energy is contagious and infectious and whether it is the good kind or the bad kind–other people feel it. Susan C. Young