3 Quotes About End Of Time

It’s tempting to assume that we’ll be around forever. However, sooner or later we will all die and be gone from this world. Not only that, but we will soon after that be gone from this world as well. When we realize the inevitable end of our time here on earth, we can begin to take stock of what we have accomplished and what we should have done Read more

Here are some inspiring quotes about the end of time to help you find peace in the face of death.

Is there a notion of hope (and of our responsibility to the future) that could be shared by believers and nonbelievers? What can it be based on now? Does an idea of the end, one that does not imply disinterest in the future but rather a constant examination of the errors of the past, have a critical fun Umberto Eco
Hardly has the universe stretched its wings to span When it gathers to egg once more J. Aleksandr Wootton