3 Quotes About Edge Of End

As you reach the end of your journey, you may find yourself in the middle of an emotional abyss. You may feel lost, confused, or unsure of what’s next. Your spirit may not feel lifted, your energy spent. This is normal Read more

It happens to everyone who has ever gotten to this point in their life. The point at which everything seems to be falling apart at once. This is when you are ready to let go, to take a step back.

And yet, it may also be the time when you are most vulnerable and open to new possibilities. To accept that things are not as they used to be and that the only way forward may be completely different from what you have always known. The edge-of-end quotes below will help you embrace this final stage of life and begin moving forward into whatever lies ahead.

I can’t change my past, nobody can, I can make my future better Suren Hakobyan
Where do bad folks go when they die? No heaven awaits them, say to it goodbye Suren Hakobyan