3 Quotes About Economic Inequality

The gap between rich and poor is a growing issue in the U.S. In fact, one of the most recent articles to make headlines was an article about a family that lives in a $1 million house and earns $14,000 a year. While they may not be able to afford their own home, they certainly don’t have to worry about paying for food or other essentials. The article also mentions that they do not have to work because they are supported by their parents Read more

In many ways this is similar to the story of the millionaire CEO who only makes $1 million a year, which suggests that if we want to make more money we need to find someone who needs it more than us. However, the opposite is true as well: if we give our money away we won’t be able to take care of ourselves and we won’t be able to live as comfortably as those who have far less than us and yet still manage to live well. Despite this fact, many people continue to live on welfare and send their kids off to public schools while those with far less than them live in private schools and can afford tutors and private teachers.

One of the main reasons why equality of income is so important is because it allows us all an equal chance at success and happiness. If some people live on welfare while others live comfortably but earn roughly the same amount for working exactly as hard as they can, then we all end up losing out on something — we end up with a society where we feel like we aren’t equal and that some people deserve more and others deserve less.

To the liberal class, every big economic problem is really an education problem, a failure by the losers to learn the right skills and get the credentials everyone knows you’ll need in the society of the future. Thomas Frank
Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours...
Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor. Thomas Jefferson