9 Quotes About Early Reader

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and our children are on the forefront of all these changes. With everything from new technology to global warming on their minds, children these days are more aware and aware than ever before. As a parent, it’s important to pay attention to what they’re learning. If you’re looking for some inspiration as a parent, check out some of the best early-readers quotes below.

Don’t worry, Miss Brielle. To be honest, the ones with...
Don’t worry, Miss Brielle. To be honest, the ones with a little bit of crazy have always been my favorite. C.J. Milbrandt
Face it, friends. For this journey, roads are optional.
Face it, friends. For this journey, roads are optional. C.J. Milbrandt
Zane sighed. Jovan and Mother were just the same. “Maybe...
Zane sighed. Jovan and Mother were just the same. “Maybe later” meant no. C.J. Milbrandt
Zane was pretty sure that worries and bossing were related, like a pair of old aunties. C.J. Milbrandt
Oh. Sure. It makes perfect sense. Zane is a wolf because his father is an eagle. C.J. Milbrandt
They say that to live in the Wilds, you have to be half-wild yourself. Or at least very brave. And Zane is both. C.J. Milbrandt
Do you mean that Zane is some kind of bird magnet? C.J. Milbrandt
Every man dies. Not every man truly lives." Sir William Wallace Amanda M. Thrasher