6 Quotes About Duplicate

What a strange revelation of self-esteem it is when people only love those who think and feel as they do - an extension of themselves, in fact! Even Christianity does not cure us, since one cannot feel right without assuming that the rest must be wrong. Personally I would rather feel wrong with everybody else than right all by myself: I like people different, and agree with the man who said that the worst of the human race is the number of duplicates. Freya Stark
Try not to become a copy of someone else. Not even a perfect copy. Originals are always honored over duplicates. Unknown
Your reputation has no duplicate. You are one till the end of time. Once it is damaged, a fresh personality cannot spring from the old one. Michael Bassey Johnson
Any person or nation can successfully duplicate any achievement that a person or nation succeeded in attaining. I am sure that Africa and other economically backward countries, that are sometimes referred to as third world countries, can attain a very high rate of development much faster than the time it took Europe and other first world countries. Sunday Adelaja
Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to duplicate it. Bruce Lee