10 Quotes About Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that affects about one in every 700 babies born. These quotes were collected from the online forums and blog posts of families affected by DS and their loved ones. They tell us how difficult it can be, and how important it is to educate yourself and others. If you know someone with DS or if you have a loved one afflicted with this condition, give these great quotes a read to know that you’re not alone.

Begin with the soft smelted upturned heart-shaped mouth made for smiling a smile kept for kindness, tenderness, incapable of malice. Am I going too fast for you? The almond eyes see out through their sleepy epicanthic fold. Trusting and calm, if a flicker from slowness, a further flicker from stupidity. Settled in slow-motion beauty, heart-breaking beauty. Craig Raine
Just as when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. Cecelia Ahern
But you are proof that you can think you know someone yet never really know them at all. Cecelia Ahern Ahern
Maybe you're not difficult to live with at all, maybe you're just a busy, successful, beautiful woman who won't settle for anything but the best. Cecelia Ahern Ahern
Miracles only grow where you plant them. Cecelia Ahern Ahern
I Have a Dream.. someday my son, Zyon and ALL individuals with disabilities will be seen as HUMAN beings. I Have a Dream.. someday the human & civil rights of individuals with disabilities are honored and they are treated as equals. I Have a Dream.. someday ALL parents who have children with disabilities see their child as a blessing and not a burden. I Have a Dream.. someday there will be more jobs and opportunities for individuals with disabilities. I Have a Dream.. someday there will be UNITY "within" the disabled community. I HAVE A DREAM! ! ! . Yvonne Pierre
My children taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. Yvonne Pierre
Dad they think she has Down Syndrome." He smiled genuinely as his eyes welled up with tears. "That's okay. We love her. Kelle Hampton
When you focus on someone's disability you'll overlook their abilities, beauty and uniqueness. Once you learn to accept and love them for who they are, you subconsciously learn to love yourself unconditionally. Yvonne Pierre