9 Quotes About Diy

These diy quotes will inspire you to start your own projects right away. Whether it’s making your own home-made treats, painting your own furniture, or DIYing something totally unexpected, these DIY quotes will remind you that there are many ways to make the ordinary extraordinary.

To become a better you, look nowhere else for another...
To become a better you, look nowhere else for another alarm to blow before you wake up. Get up and rise up. Israelmore Ayivor
Don’t wait for big opportunities. You can create small but...
Don’t wait for big opportunities. You can create small but wonderful ones by starting with what you have. Israelmore Ayivor
I charge you; once you have the dream, decide to...
I charge you; once you have the dream, decide to begin and begin right away. Wait for nobody to blow whistles for you to start. Israelmore Ayivor
Live full of accomplishments and die empty of your God-given...
Live full of accomplishments and die empty of your God-given potentials. Release your greatness now. Israelmore Ayivor
Don’t wait for someone else to do it so you enjoy. You can’t do it yourself. Just try it. Israelmore Ayivor
Punker, what's compassion for a world this far gone? The streets don't give a fuck. It's a bummer, your care slides down its target like beads of rain on rock. There's no aquifer for any shit like this. Where does compassion go and can it be returned? You're Donn in this world, with the staff and the purple band. The artificer. Walking the bandoned suites of hell and your eyeballs thinking, what can be saved? Not their gear but its aspects. You started kung fu way later than the rest, and before that you saw compassion in a history spiel. Now it keeps washing up on your shore. Giving a shit might be made of parts, it might be made solo. It might be an invasive species or not. Punks evolved from dinos too. Not even cross time and distance. But the spikes on their heads are the same. . Noah Wareness
Question authority... Then ignore it! Joseph Barjack
Support for the arts -- merde! A government-supported artist is an incompetent whore! Robert A. Heinlein