11 Quotes About Die Empty

The best way to die is with purpose. When you’re ready to give up, do it knowing this: you’re not failing, you’re simply letting go of something that is no longer serving you. You are free to be guided by your own intuition. You are free to follow your heart, to be who you are meant to be Read more

No one can take that away from you.

Leaders don’t hide good news from their followers. As long as they discover knowledge, they share knowledge. They leave part of them with people they meet; hence they are hardly missed when they are gone. Israelmore Ayivor
Leaders don’t leave people empty handed. They give them part...
Leaders don’t leave people empty handed. They give them part of themselves through knowledge sharing and influence creation. Israelmore Ayivor
You don’t miss great leaders because their impacts and footprints are always staring at you in the face. Israelmore Ayivor
Live full of accomplishments and die empty of your God-given...
Live full of accomplishments and die empty of your God-given potentials. Release your greatness now. Israelmore Ayivor
Power is brilliant Beauty is madness Obsession is addiction Perfection is suicidal, I was born beyond the limits of an ordinary being. So honey make use of it I exist therefore to celebrate or to die. Samuel Pineda Jr.
Leaders do not die with their music on their tongues unsung. They provide services that make them unleash their God-given potentials! Israelmore Ayivor
Great leaders die empty. They live to offload everything they put in them! Don’t die with your books in your mind unpublished! Israelmore Ayivor
The more you offer yourself to make life better for someone, the more you empty yourself of the load of destiny you carry into the world. Serve till you empty all. Israelmore Ayivor
You may abuse your energy when you do not know what it is meant to help you carry. An undiscovered self is an easy way to rob the world of leadership impacts. Israelmore Ayivor
You came to the earth with loads of inspirations and influence. Dare to offload them out of you before you die. Give out all you carry along into the world and when you are ready to go back, go empty handed! Israelmore Ayivor