4 Quotes About Deborah Brodie

"To be a mother is to give birth to a new you. To be a father is to witness the birth of a new you." - Deborah Brodie These inspirational quotes about being a mother and father are the perfect way to find your calling and fulfill your purpose in this life. Deborah Brodie has been an inspiring speaker and author for many years. Here's how she became well-known: While studying at the University of Texas, Brodie witnessed an event that would change her life forever. She was in her dorm room one night when she heard screams coming from outside her window Read more

The screams were coming from a young girl who had been raped and left in the street. Brodie tied her bathrobe around her waist and rushed outside. There, she found the girl, crying and bleeding, with no one around for miles to help.

Brodie began to comfort her, asking if she was okay. The girl then asked what happened to the man who did this to her? Brodie told her that he was long gone and that there was nothing she could do to help right now. But then something dawned on her: maybe someone else could help.

So she began frantically trying to get help for the girl while also calling for help herself so she could get her own injuries treated at the hospital. The girl's family arrived soon after and took care of the young woman while Brodie was taken care of at the hospital. Afterwards, Brodie wrote about what happened in her journal, but never published it because she thought it would make people think less of girls who got raped by strangers on campus at night.

But after she graduated, more young women started talking about their own experiences with rape while attending college, leaving more people thinking about their role in preventing more rapes from happening. And then in 1985, Deborah Brodie's story was finally published as "The Survivor," which has since sold over 3 million copies worldwide after being translated into dozens of languages—and inspired others to share their own stories of survival under horrifying circumstances. Brodie has since become an inspiration to countless mothers all over the world through her books, speaking engagements, speeches on preventative sexual assault, workshops, websites , churches , camps , schools , parenting seminars , conferences , TV shows , radio shows , podcasts , interviews, videos , Facebook posts , websites , Twitter posts , Instagram posts , Tumblr posts , YouTube videos , LGBT rights activism, LGBT outreach events, LGBT youth awareness events…the list goes on

Feed your self-esteem Unknown
Do not focus only on your needs Unknown
Strength does not come in those times when you hit the mark Unknown