7 Quotes About Dean Winchester

Hell had been his Vietnam. It had stamped its mark on him for all eternity, and no amount of denial or self-imposed ignorance was going to change it. Ever. Joe Schreiber
Dean, you've been to Hell, I started the Apocalypse, and we're supposed to be possessed by an archangel and the devil. Now you're being skeptical? Keith R.A. DeCandido
I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition. Castiel
So, ” Lauren said. “You help ghosts with unfulfilled wishes cross over to the astral plane for judgment.”“ Yes.”“ And you hunt demons.”“ Yes.”“ And you’re married to an angel.”“ Yes.” She paused. “…so basically, you’re Dean Winchester.”I made an exasperated sound. “I am NOT.”She smirked. “Yeah, sure. Kyoko M.
Please accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity. Castiel
No, he focused on the one thing that he knew would keep him grounded the way the demon said he'd need Keith R.A. DeCandido