5 Quotes About Deal

When you’re making a purchase, you want to get the best deal possible. But sometimes, the best deals are not always the cheapest. Sometimes it takes digging around to find the best deal. When it comes to deals, there are two things you should do: (1) compare prices and (2) be patient Read more

If you do these two things, then you can avoid some of the pitfalls that can come with getting frustrated or giving up too soon. Here are 10 tips for avoiding common pitfalls when shopping for deals.

Seth's quote from his book:
Seth's quote from his book:" And if I only could I'd make a deal with God and I'd get Him to swap our places"-" Running up that Hill" by Kate Bush Richelle Mead
Her chin lifted.
Her chin lifted. "Very well. Here is my best offer. Half of my nakedness for all of yours." He pretended to think on it. " It's a bargain. Tessa Dare
But were they truly victims? If they made a deal, knowing fully what they were trading for a wish--but then again, could a person ever truly know the consequences of giving away their heart? Emily LloydJones
Rich people show their appreciation through favors. When everyone you know has more money than they know what to do with, money stops being a useful transactional tool. So instead you offer favors. Deals. Quid pro quos. Things that involve personal involvement rather than money. Because when you're that rich, your personal time is your limiting factor. John Scalzi