7 Quotes About Dangerous Person

The world is a dangerous place, and it can be difficult to know whether someone is dangerous or not. There are different kinds of dangerous people, but one thing is certain: people are dangerous. Some are good at heart, but they are still dangerous nonetheless. Others are not so nice, but they don’t mean harm Read more

But still others are evil. They mean to do harm, and they do it every time they step out of their doors. So which one are you? Here are some quotes about dangerous people to help you figure that out.

Scared people did scary things sometimes,
Scared people did scary things sometimes, Michael Grant
He took my family, ” Adamat said. “Blackmailed me, and he still has my wife and oldest son. I want to get them back, and then kill him slowly.”“ A lot of violence planned, for a family man, ” the eunuch said. Adamat leaned forward. “‘Family, ’” he said. “Remember that word. There is nothing that will make a man more desperate and more capable of violence than endangering his family. . Brian McClellan
They're power-hungry, the mundane said of the magical people. They're immoral, people said, and they're scary. Playing with the dark arts could plunge me into evil. I'd be pulled toward depravity. Blasphemy would begin to seem like truth, bad like good, God like Satan. It had happened to people through the centuries, they said. And they were right. All that did happen. Christine Wicker
A woman made of parts is a dangerous thing, " Grandma says. "You never know when she'll throw away a piece you may need... Heidi W. Durrow
I'm a sensual adventurer, Sue. I want to explore the passion I feel, really dig into the heart of it, the dark parts, too. I wanted to take you on that journey with me. But if you don't want to go, that's fine. Wodke Hawkinson
As we plotted Zeke and Sue’s course, we utilized an atlas. But, if you tried to recreate the trip, it would drive you crazy since we changed the names of not only the highways, but also most of the towns. Wodke Hawkinson