12 Quotes About Damn

Damn is a strong way to express your feelings and convey your emotions, but it’s not always the right choice. If you’re looking for a more positive way to say something, use these damn quotes instead. Each of these quotes about damn will help express how you feel without resorting to cursing.

The world is a goddamned evil place, the strong prey on the weak, the rich on the poor; I’ve given up hope that there is a God that will save us all. How am I supposed to believe that there’s a heaven and a hell when all I see now is hell. Aaron B. Powell
What can I say about life? Do I praise it...
What can I say about life? Do I praise it for letting you live, or damn it for allowing the rest? Janet Fitch
Although a little noisy at first, in a bizarre twist of fate, electronic music became popular in France in the 1890’s before fizzling out in favor of Swing music — which somehow made an early appearance in the 1900’s. In another alternative timeline, the Beatles never existed and England invented popcorn and hamburgers in the 1840’s. Damn, that’s what almost happened last time again, thought Scrooby tensely, while maneuvering himself onto a stronger looking branch. Details, everything was about the details. Sometimes there was almost too much detail to keep up with. Christina Engela
Timaset didn’t need a ship — especially not a flying museum piece! And as far as he knew, a dodgy plasma injector could drop you smack into a wormhole ending somewhere on the other side of the universe with no way back. Well, he could always sell the damn thing. Couldn’t he? He could use the money. Damn, he could always use the money! Maybe the crew would want to buy it over from him? Christina Engela
The most successful are not the most perfect, but the imperfect who dare to believe that they can despite the damning verdict. Bangambiki Habyarimana
When people say they're too busy, ask them If they'll have time to die, and see If dead's gonna give a damn. Michael Bassey Johnson
Joe! ” he groaned, attempting to speak clearly. “Joe! Good ol’ Joe! ”“Captain, you’re drunk! ” Lofflin said, stating the obvious while trying to keep his voice level. Blaine grinned at him lopsidedly and giggled, almost choking. He slapped the table, knocking his empty glass over.“ Ye-ss, I am! Don’t ssup-pose you — think I co-uld ssit here an’ calmly wait t’die — dýou? Weee-ll, not ssob-er anyway. Ha ha ha.” Disgust and hopelessness were swelling inside him. He felt like punching that drunken face till it was either sober or unconscious.“ Damn it, Captain! We need you — the crew needs you! You’re turning your back on them — in our most desperate time! . Christina Engela
People are damn crazy and insane.( Lie To Me Season 2 episode 1) Deyth Banger
That’s no little kid. That’s Jason Steed, the biggest damn hero you will ever see! Mark A. Cooper
If you think somebody cares... Where are you? How are you?...( You are fucking... damn... W R O N G) Deyth Banger
Fourth Law of Thermodynamics: If the probability of success is not almost one, then it is damn near zero. David R. Ellis