3 Quotes About Contraband

What is contraband? Contraband is the term used to describe any item that is classified as illegal cargo. It differs from goods, which are goods that are not banned. For example, if you’re flying on a plane and there is food in your bag they will confiscate it because it is considered illegal cargo. So what exactly makes an item contraband? While there are many factors that can affect the determination of contraband, one of the most important factors is the purpose of the item Read more

For example, if you are bringing items with you on a plane to entertain yourself they will be considered non-contraband. If you bring something like drugs with you or even guns or ammunition, they will be considered contraband.

ΛαθράνθρωποÏ‚, οι = á¼â€šÎ½Î¸ÏÏ‰ποÏ‚/οι, που λαθραῖα συν~κατα~λέγονται στο εἲδοÏ‚ των ἀνθρῶπων ~ Lathranthrope, Lathranthropes = the person or persons that get smuggled into being included within the Human species neology by Ale3ia . Ale3ia
Λαθρανθρωπία = το να συν~κατα~λέγεται λαθραῖα ἒνα á¼â€šÏ„ομο/α, στο εἲδοÏ‚ των ἀνθρῶπων.~ Lathranthropia = the smuggled inclusion of a person or persons within the Human species. neology by Ale3ia . Ale3ia