27 Quotes About Conciousness

We all fail to reach our full potential. We spend our lives chasing dreams, but never make it there. We begin with great aspirations, but the road to success is littered with obstacles and distractions that cause us to lose sight of our true purpose. But this is life, and we can’t always expect things to go our way Read more

And although they don’t always feel like they are, there are always lessons to be learned, no matter how hard they may be to swallow. These quotes about consciousness are filled with wisdom on how to find peace amid uncertain times.

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink. George Orwell
Hating skin color is contempt for God's divine creative imagination....
Hating skin color is contempt for God's divine creative imagination. Honoring it is appreciation for conscious, beautiful-love-inspired diversity. T.F. Hodge
An educator should consider that he has failed in his...
An educator should consider that he has failed in his job if he has not succeeded in instilling some trace of a divine dissatisfaction with our miserable social environment. Anthony Standen
To be able to convert time, you must be conscious...
To be able to convert time, you must be conscious of time. Sunday Adelaja
Time consciousness is the key to time conversion.
Time consciousness is the key to time conversion. Sunday Adelaja
For you to be great, you must live a life...
For you to be great, you must live a life of self-consciousness all the time. Sunday Adelaja
For you to be great, you must become conscious of...
For you to be great, you must become conscious of what you are doing per time. Sunday Adelaja
Humanity had to expand the limits of its consciousness to...
Humanity had to expand the limits of its consciousness to learn to ask the right questions. Sunday Adelaja
Twenty percent of Americans describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious.” Although the claim seems to annoy believers and atheists equally, separating spirituality from religion is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. It is to assert two important truths simultaneously: Our world is dangerously riven by religious doctrines that all educated people should condemn, and yet there is more to understanding the human condition than science and secular culture generally admit. One purpose of this book is to give both these convictions intellectual and empirical support. Before going any further, I should address the animosity that many readers feel toward the term spiritual. Whenever I use the word, as in referring to meditation as a “spiritual practice, ” I hear from fellow skeptics and atheists who think that I have committed a grievous error. The word spirit comes from the Latin spiritus, which is a translation of the Greek pneuma, meaning “breath.” Around the thirteenth century, the term became entangled with beliefs about immaterial souls, supernatural beings, ghosts, and so forth. It acquired other meanings as well: We speak of the spirit of a thing as its most essential principle or of certain volatile substances and liquors as spirits. Nevertheless, many nonbelievers now consider all things “spiritual” to be contaminated by medieval superstition. I do not share their semantic concerns.[1] Yes, to walk the aisles of any “spiritual” bookstore is to confront the yearning and credulity of our species by the yard, but there is no other term–apart from the even more problematic mystical or the more restrictive contemplative–with which to discuss the efforts people make, through meditation, psychedelics, or other means, to fully bring their minds into the present or to induce nonordinary states of consciousness. And no other word links this spectrum of experience to our ethical lives. . Sam Harris
The beauty of Mars exists in the human mind, ” he said in that dry factual tone, and everyone stared at him amazed. “Without the human presence it is just a collection of atoms, no different than any other random speck of matter in the universe. It’s we who understand it, and we who give it meaning. All our centuries of looking up at the night sky and watching it wander through the stars. All those nights of watching it through the telescopes, looking at a tiny disk trying to see canals in the albedo changes. All those dumb sci-fi novels with their monsters and maidens and dying civilizations. And all the scientists who studied the data, or got us here. That’s what makes Mars beautiful. Not the basalt and the oxides . Kim Stanley Robinson
Enlightenment is not about attaining a ultimate level of intelligence or intellect. It is regained by shedding all the ideas, illusion and binds thrust on you and that you then so readily accrue. Rasheed Ogunlaru
We are one at the root - we just part at the branch Rasheed Ogunlaru
And all are asleep, so all are foolish. Don't feel offended. Thefacts have to be stated as they are. You function in sleep; that's why you go on stumbling, you go on doing things you don't want to do, you go on doing things you have decided not to do. You go on doing things you know are not right to do, and you don't do things that you know are right. How is this possible? Why can't you walk straight? Why do you go on getting trapped into bypaths? Why do you go on going astray? This is what is happening. Watch your life--everything that you go on demanding is so confused and so confusiing. You are not alert. You can't see, you can't heart-- certainly you have ears so you can hear, but there is nobody inside to understand it. Certainly you have eyes so you can see, but there is nobody present inside. So your eyes go on seeing and your ears go on listening, but nothing is understood. And on each step you stumble, on each step you commit something wrong. And still you go on believing that you are aware. . Osho
Shifting perspective(s) and being proactive are essential to your our life paths, progress and possibilities: "Just because a door appears closed it does not mean that it is locked - nor that it will not open with the right heart, call or touch Rasheed Ogunlaru
Live to learn to love. Learn to love to live. Love to live to learn so that you may live the life that you yearn. Rico Dasheem
Stay faithful to consciousness, rest everything is illusion including your mind. Simply be aware without adulterations from intellegience. Aditya Ajmera
He who discovers the light, discovers life. He who discovers the dark, discovers death, Neither are wrong and neither are right; your perception is what will guide your path. Our minds are our tools, our hearts our truth and our instinct our guidance, don't let them fool you. Nikki Rowe
We as human beings lower our vibration everytime we react with the emotional attachment of what is only suppose to be a lesson through life. Nikki Rowe
The pathway to peace is an in describable journey of facing ones darkness, to find ones light. If they told you it's easier to give up, you met a fool; if they told you; it's easier to grow, you met the wise. Nikki Rowe
If he pursues women infront of you, you are worth more than him. If you pursue a man, because of tactless spite, he is worth more than you. We're all entitled to live to the truths in our hearts, some won't understand it & that's ok, but it's never & I mean NEVER ok to intentionally go out of your way to make another's journey harder because of the perception they've had on your own. Nikki Rowe
Imagine that every man’s mind is an island, surrounded by ocean. Each seems isolated, yet in reality all are linked by the bedrock from which they spring. If the ocean were to vanish, that would be the end of the islands. They would all be part of one continent, but the individuality would have gone Arthur C. Clarke
Unconcious makes you interested in other--things, people, but it is always the others. Unconciousness keeps you you completely in the darknesss; your eyes go on being focused on others. It creates a kind of exteriority, it makes you extroverts. Conciousness creates interiority. It makes you introverts; it takes you inward, deeper and deeper. Osho
When life hurts, have a date with your feelings. Breath and let the magic begin! Ana Ortega
Once you dominate yourself through conciousness, the attachments disappear and you can genuinely achieve your dreams. SoyLaAzu
Success is an outcome of conscious choices pursued consistently and tirelessly. Vishwas Chavan
I discipline my mind to see past distractions, to scrutinize deceptive tendencies and to pay careful attention to details whether I am conversing with others or I’m just a passive observer. Carlos Wallace