3 Quotes About Catherine-The-Great

The ancient Greek sovereign Catherine the Great is one of the most fascinating and well-known historical figures. She ruled over Russia in the 18th century, creating a sophisticated court culture that quickly became fashionable throughout Europe. Even though her main focus was to modernize Russia, she also worked to improve education and cultural life in Russia. Her writing style was both witty and friendly, but her personality was often difficult to understand Read more

We’ve put together a list of catherine-the-great quotes for you, so you can learn more about this fascinating queen.

To prove to [her friend, Swedish diplomat Count] Gyllenborg that she was not superficial, Catherine composed an essay about herself, "so that he would see whether I knew myself or not." The next day, she wrote and handed to Gyllenborg an essay titled 'Portrait of a Fifteen-Year-Old Philosopher.' He was impressed and returned it with a dozen pages of comments, mostly favorable. "I read his remarks again and again, many times [Catherine later recalled in her memoirs]. I impressed them on my consciousness and resolved to follow his advice. In addition, there was something else surprising: one day, while conversing with me, he allowed the following sentence to slip out: 'What a pity that you will marry! I wanted to find out what he meant, but he would not tell me. . Robert K. Massie
The more a man knows, the more he forgives. Catherine The Great