3 Quotes About Can T See

Can’t see is the inability to perceive the existence or nonexistence of a thing. In science, can’t see can be described in terms of the inability of a lens to form a focused image of an object. In theology, can’t see is used to describe a person who is blinded by sin and cannot recognize the truth. However, in modern times, can’t see has different interpretations that include inability to perceive or acknowledge something, misinterpretation of facts, or nonplussed state Read more

If you find yourself in a state where you can’t see either good or bad things clearly, consider these can-t-see quotes to help get you out of your haze and on your way again.

When you read between the lines, you must have bloody...
When you read between the lines, you must have bloody good eyesight because I can't see a bloody thing! Anthony T. Hincks
How was it that we were all so blind? Joan Coleman