3 Quotes About Camouflage

Camouflage is a military technology used to conceal objects by blending them into their background. The purpose of camouflage is to make an object less vulnerable to detection, hide it from view, prevent recognition, or make it appear as if the object does not exist. Camouflage has been used for thousands of years, and there are many different types. Camouflage was tested on the soldiers of the British Armoured Division during World War II Read more

Many items were tested for their effectiveness, including tinted goggles, face paints, gloves, uniforms, helmets, and vehicles. The tests were conducted in the deserts of North Africa. Camouflage proved useful to the soldiers because it allowed them to blend into their surroundings and remain undetected by the enemy.

Camouflage became a vital part of military strategy during times of war.

We use the word ‘LOVE’ for camouflaging so many of...
We use the word ‘LOVE’ for camouflaging so many of our emotions. Why can’t we use different words to convey different feelings? Why use a word when we don’t sincerely mean it? Anurag Shourie
Chance, Luck, Coincidence - All true; they happen! But behind them, all is a loving God in camouflage but are you in camouflage doing nothing at all? John M Sheehan