14 Quotes About Caged

The caged bird sings the sweetest song.

What do you fear, lady?" [Aragorn] asked. "A cage, " [̉ۡowyn] said. "To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire. J.r.r. Tolkien
I slept under the moonlight and set my soul free,...
I slept under the moonlight and set my soul free, caged within jars like fireflies". Prajakta Mhadnak
No free man needs a God; but was I free? How fully I felt nature glued to me And how my childish palate loved the taste Half-fish, half-honey, of that golden paste! My picture book was at an early age The painted parchment papering our cage: Mauve rings around the moon; blood-orange sun; Twinned Iris; and that rare phenomenon The iridule - when, beautiful and strange, In a bright sky above a mountain range One opal cloudlet in an oval form Reflects the rainbow of a thunderstorm Which in a distant valley has been staged -For we are most artistically caged. Vladimir Nabokov
The walls that caged me were not of this world, but were within my mind. J.D. Stroube
The melodious song mesmerized me and cloaked my soul in a most liberating embrace I had never known. The emotion enveloped me, and smothered the emptiness. J.D. Stroube
These were people who hunted for a way to erase the haunted, malnourished gaze from their souls and replace it with their faith in freedom and safety. J.D. Stroube
In that smooth fortress of glass, I caught a glimpse of my corruption gripping steel, which before I had thought of as my salvation, but now represented my obliteration. J.D. Stroube
A victim has the potential to transform into a survivor, but if that is forgotten, a true victim is what they become. A survivor must endure strife and persevere against those thoughts that would convince them otherwise. Holding fast to ones will will allow them to know their strength has not evaporated; They will never be without hope. J.D. Stroube
That was what happened to laughter when you caged it. It became unbearably sad. It was worse than crying. Isobelle Carmody
She kills her words, but somehow the feeling survives. And no matter where she buries them, he always sees them in her eyes. Seekerohan
You must not let me out, ' it warned him gently, as it saw his eyes rest on the lock.' If you release me now that I know my nature, I could not help but unmake the enchantment of the mirrors. You see, they are tame now and they show only what people want and need to see in them. The wildness of them is bound up in my form, though I did not know it for a long time. If I were uncaged, I could not help but tear at the enchantment until I was unnamed. Then I would fly into all of the mirrors and windows and into shining footpaths after rain. The mirrors would become wild and they would be absolutely, utterly truthful. Everything would be seen for what it truly was. My laughter would greet every lie and every pretense. It would rumble like a volcano under the smooth surface of everything. You can imagine the chaos it would cause here, for those who dwell in the greylands do so because the mirrors are tamed. If I were free, people would come to be afraid of them. They would cease to believe in their reflections and eventually they would no longer believe in themselves. No, laughter must remain caged here. . Isobelle Carmody
Better make sure you’re not in my way when I go down.” My eyebrow lifted as I dipped my head to his level. “You wouldn’t want to get squashed. J.A. Belfield
Sure, swing your oscillating dick over there, and see how long you last before she runs screaming for the authorities. J.A. Belfield