9 Quotes About Body Mind Soul

The body, mind, and soul all work together to create our daily experience. The body is the physical container for the mind and soul. It tells us what to do, how to act, and when to feel happy. The mind is the collection of all our thoughts and experiences Read more

It can be very powerful when we use it to eat, exercise, and live in harmony with others. The soul is the spiritual part of our being that connects us to something greater than ourselves. The light of the soul can lead us to a path of wisdom and understanding.

Gravitate towards your heart’s desire! Stefan Emunds
Awaken your heart!
Awaken your heart! Stefan Emunds
Your heart doesn’t like shady strategies. Stefan Emunds
Your heart will challenge you, but also reward you beyond...
Your heart will challenge you, but also reward you beyond your wildest dreams. Stefan Emunds
Holistic self-realization is the realization of your heart’s desire. Why...
Holistic self-realization is the realization of your heart’s desire. Why holistic? Because it involves your entire being.  Stefan Emunds
Because the parenting IS the most difficult job in the world! Our children need our Love, but also our support within this amazing matrix of choices. They need us to guide them towards Healthy Foods, Healthy Habits, Inspiring Activities, Life Enriching Friends, etc.’ Conscious Parenting by Natasa Pantovic Nuit Quotes about kids body mind soul Unknown
A thought weaves into another thought, seeking the other. The thought world has its-own Inner Life. A rose acts upon us through its symbolism, through its beauty, through our conscious & sub-conscious mind. Meditating we tap into the thought form of ‘rose adoration’. Unknown
Using your imagination means that you are using your most powerful tool of creation, manifestation and modification Dorothy Holder