20 Quotes About Blind-Faith

Blind faith is a phrase that’s commonly used to describe beliefs that cannot be proven. While it may seem like a good way to get by without playing the odds, it’s oftentimes a dangerous practice. Blind faith can cause us to make bad decisions, fail to think critically, and miss out on critical information. But it doesn't have to be this way Read more

Blind faith can be replaced by healthy skepticism. With these skeptic quotes about blind-faith you can be more discerning in your beliefs and actions, while also being more open-minded.

Doubt as sin. – Christianity has done its utmost to close the circle and declared even doubt to be sin. One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason, by a miracle, and from then on to swim in it as in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements: even a glance towards land, even the thought that one perhaps exists for something else as well as swimming, even the slightest impulse of our amphibious nature – is sin! And notice that all this means that the foundation of belief and all reflection on its origin is likewise excluded as sinful. What is wanted are blindness and intoxication and an eternal song over the waves in which reason has drowned. . Friedrich Nietzsche
We are not sheep or cows. God didn’t create fences for us or boundaries to contain our nationalities. Man did. God didn’t draw up religious barriers to separate us from each other. Man did. And on top of that, no father would like to see his children fighting or killing each other. The Creator favors the man who spreads loves over the man who spreads hate. A religious title does not make anyone more superior over another. If a kind man stands by his conscience and exhibits truth in his words and actions, he will stand by God regardless of his faith. If mankind wants to evolve, we must learn from our past mistakes. If not, our technology will evolve without us. Suzy Kassem
It is debatable whether blind faith is truly faith at all. Faith is the perceptive gray area where scientific facts meet an individual's experiential truths - the extreme of the former is left feeling in the dark whereas the latter is caught blinded by the light. By proper scientific method, it is intellectually dishonest for me to declare the existence of God with utmost certainty, but to my individual spirit, I would be intellectually dishonest to deny the existence of God even for a second. This leaves the best of both worlds, as the believer is called to be able to give reasons for his faith, a deviation from mere fantasy. . Criss Jami
Belief is a wonderful way to pass the time until...
Belief is a wonderful way to pass the time until the facts come in. Carl R White
Do you know, the only people I can have a conversation with are the Jews? At least when they quote scripture at you they are not merely repeating something some priest has babbled in their ear. They have the great merit of disagreeing with nearly everything I say. In fact, they disagree with almost everything they say themselves. And most importantly, they don't think that shouting strengthens their argument. . Iain Pears
If you truly have faith in your convictions, then your...
If you truly have faith in your convictions, then your convictions should be able to stand criticism and testing. DaShanne Stokes
Do not recite words just to prove to yourself and others that you know and love God; for he already put his breath and light inside you. Instead, put truth in your every word and action, and always let your conscience steer and guide you. Suzy Kassem
Blind party loyalty will be our downfall. We must follow...
Blind party loyalty will be our downfall. We must follow the truth wherever it leads. DaShanne Stokes
WHAT IS TRUTH?Truth is not a thing Or a concept. It is as multidimensional In its meaning As it is in its reflection. It is both invisible And visible. It carries tons of weight, But can be carried. It is understood first through the spirit Before science, And felt in the heart, Before the mind. Truth is not always heard by reason, Because reason sometimes Ignores Truth.Always listen to your conscience. Your conscience is your heart And reason is your mind. Your mind is simply there to reason With your heart. But remember, Truth is in your heart, And only through your heart Can you connect to the light of God.He who is not motivated by his heart Will not see Truth, And he who thinks only with his mind Will be blind to Truth.He who does not think With his conscience, Does not stand by God, For the language of light Can only be decoded by the heart. He who reads and recites words of GodAlso does not stand by God —If he merely understands Words with his mind But not his heart. Truth is black and white, And the entire spectrum Of colors in-between. It can have many parts, But has a solid foundation. Truth lacks perfection, For it is the reflection of all, Yet its reflection as a whole, Is more beautiful Than the accumulated flaws Of the small. Truth is the only brand Worth breathing And believing. So stand for truth In everything you do, And only then Does your life have Meaning. Poetry by Suzy Kassem. Suzy Kassem
Real religion does not mean Gods - it does not mean Angels and Demons - it does not mean miracles of healing. Real religion is all about you and your fellow humans. There is nothing else. Abhijit Naskar
Having been shown the possibility that God exists, the atheist haschosen not to accept it. They have no proof or even evidence oftheir belief, but will stick by it. This takes blind faith. Lewis N. Roe
In learning and argumentation, the quality brain is similar to a facility of maximum security. What passes the logic test, free of fallacy and pretense, then must pass the test of biblical accuracy in order to proceed as an adopted, reliable truth. Criss Jami
At least you earned your belief in something... Most people around here just say they believe whatever their family believes. They don't bother thinking for themselves... And the less they know, the louder they believe it. Angela N. Blount
God seemed to have become a brand, a packaging, and people purchase this trusted brand with such faith and devotion that they no longer care who the vendor is. Justin Villanueva
Evidence is of no longer consequence when hope enters the fray, and this is where faith is born–a seemingly abundant commodity certain powerful organizations feed on fervently, if not lavishly. Justin Villanueva
Evidence is of no longer consequence when hope enters the fray, and this iswhere faith is born–a seemingly abundant commodity certain powerfulorganizations feed on fervently, if not lavishly. Justin Villanueva
To believe that there is no God takes infinitely more faith than to believe God exists, because all the evidence must be ignored. Atheism is the epitome of blind faith. David Servant
Then, one sunny September morning, the illusion of a personal God that I tried so hard to believe in, exploded over the skies of Manhattan. Even as the ashes and ruin of this horrific act of blind faith settled over New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, I watched people across the country scrambling to that same irrational altar for their answers. In the fierce storm of emotion that rolled across this country, one realization rose to the surface of my mind with blinding clarity: certainly this mechanism of unassailable blind faith is one of the greatest risks mankind faces today. Nathan Phelps
Blind faith in belief-system, ideologies, doctrine or dogma can never set us free. Only the knowledge of truth can liberate us from the slavery of doctrine, dogmas, blind faiths and religious sects. Banani Ray