9 Quotes About Beneficial

The best way to live the life of your dreams is to be aware of your dreams. It’s impossible to form a permanent goal without first knowing what it is. To discover what you want in life, you have to ask yourself what you want out of life. These are the quotes that are beneficial for you to read if you are still confused about your dreams and goals in life.

Don't be indifferent about any random idea that occurs to...
Don't be indifferent about any random idea that occurs to you, because each and every idea is for a particular purpose. it may not be beneficial to you, but can be what others are craving for Michael Bassey Johnson
No one asks about the truth and non-truth. Should one not think ‘why don’t others accept it even when I am right?’ It is because there is insistence and nagging behind that truth. Dada Bhagwan
Power as a beneficial tool for aspiring achievers is primarily made up into four folds;1. Power to control emotions, 2. Power to make right decisions, 3. Power to stand against depression, 4. Power to excel in innovations. Israelmore Ayivor
Use the imagination to picture only what is good, what is beautiful, what is beneficial, what is ideal, and what you wish to realize. Mentally see yourself receiving what you deeply desire to receive. What you imagine, you will think, and what you think, you will become. Therefore, if you imagine only those things that are in harmony with what you wish to obtain or achieve, all your thinking will soon tend to produce what you want to attain or achieve. . Christian D. Larson
If you do not want to stop the wheels of progress; if you do not want to go back to the Dark Ages; if you do not want to live again under tyranny, then you must guard your liberty, and you must not let the church get control of your government. If you do, you will lose the greatest legacy ever bequeathed to the human race–intellectual freedom. Now let me tell you another thing. If all the energy and wealth wasted upon religion–in all of its varied forms–had been spent to understand life and its problems, we would today be living under conditions that would seem almost like Utopia. Most of our social and domestic problems would have been solved, and equally as important, our understanding and relations with the other peoples of the world would have, by now, brought about universal peace. Man would have a better understanding of his motives and actions, and would have learned to curb his primitive instincts for revenge and retaliation. He would, by now, know that wars of hate, aggression, and aggrandizement are only productive of more hate and more human suffering. The enlightened and completely emancipated man from the fears of a God and the dogma of hate and revenge would make him a brother to his fellow man. He would devote his energies to discoveries and inventions, which theology previously condemned as a defiance of God, but which have proved so beneficial to him. He would no longer be a slave to a God and live in cringing fear!. Joseph Lewis
Trees emit a wide variety of electromagentic radiation and it is regarded as healthy to live in a natural area that is surrounded by trees due to these beneficial emissions to human health. Steven Magee
As was the case for Nobel's own invention of dynamite, the uses that are made of increased knowledge can serve both beneficial and potentially harmful ends. Increased knowledge clearly implies increased responsibility. Nicolaas Bloembergen
Freedom granted only when it is known beforehand that its effects will be beneficial is not freedom. Unknown