4 Quotes About Being A Writer

Being a writer is a lonely profession. Unfortunately, not everyone is meant to be a writer. There are some great writers in the world, but there are also many who write only because they believe they must. A truly successful writer can earn his or her living by writing, but will always remain true to their vision Read more

Others write for money or fame, only to find themselves disappointed later. Here are some of the most famous quotes about being a writer you can find!

A writer illuminates the lights of her heart so that...
A writer illuminates the lights of her heart so that everyone can see themselves in the mirror of her thoughts. Debasish Mridha
And this is what being an artist means, being a poet? To sacrifice yourself for your art, sacrifice your heart for your art, because it’s only through something broken that something beautiful can grow. Charlotte Eriksson
The out-dated imagery of sitting over a dusty typewriter staring at blank pages for years is a fallacy and probably designed to keep you from living up to your fullest potential. Kytka HilmarJezek