14 Quotes About Aviation

When we think of aviation, we often think of long and dangerous journeys across the globe. But the airplane is really just a small part of an impressive world of aviation. Here are some great aviation quotes to lighten your mood and keep you excited about the future of flying!

The fact that a cloud from a minor volcanic eruption in Iceland–a small disturbance in the complex mechanism of life on the Earth–can bring to a standstill the aerial traffic over an entire continent is a reminder of how, with all its power to transform nature, humankind remains just another species on the planet Earth. Unknown
The socioeconomic impact of such a minor outburst is due to our technological development (air travel)–a century ago, such an eruption would have passed unnoticed. Technological development makes us more independent from nature. At the same time, at a different level, it makes us more dependent on nature’s whims. Unknown
Mine is a quest, for a mouthful of skies.! Deejay Kapil
As with all new inventions, there are upsides and downsides. The commercial drone is no exception. But until robust safeguards have been introduced to protect personal privacy from prying eyes in the skies, the true benefits to society of unmanned aerial vehicles will remain unrealised. Alex Morritt
As to rocket ships flying between America and Europe, I believe it is worth seriously trying for. Thirty years ago persons who were developing flying were laughed at as mad, and that scorn hindered aviation. Now we heap similar ridicule upon stratoplane or rocket ships for trans- Atlantic flights. (1933)[Predicting high-altitude jet aircraft for routine long-distance travel.] Auguste Piccard
A fallow mind is a field of discontent. John H. Cunningham
Owning a drone does not a pilot make. Alex Morritt
…it was even more disconcerting to examine your charts before a proposed flight only to find that in many cases the bulk of the terrain over which you had to fly was bluntly marked: ‘UNSURVEYED.’ It was as if the mapmakers had said, ‘We are aware that between this spot and that one, there are several hundred thousands of acres, but until you make a forced landing there, we won’t know whether it is mud, desert, or jungle — and the chances are we won’t know then! . Beryl Markham
When I worked on the 13, 796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea we were advised to only use the medical oxygen after the daily headaches appeared and that just 15 minutes use was all that was needed to clear up the headaches for a while before we would need it again. We were not advised to use medical oxygen continuously as the Federal Aviation Regulations advises pilots to do. We were not advised to use pulse oximeters to monitor our blood oxygen levels or that the company medical oxygen should have been routinely administered only with our doctors prescription. Steven Magee
Aviation - and space travel, in particular - have always been especially captivating. Felix Baumgartner
If Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of 22, it would have changed the history of music and of aviation. Tom Stoppard
What the history of aviation has brought in the 20th century should inspire us to be inventors and explorers ourselves in the new century. Bertrand Piccard
There's simply no substitute for experience in terms of aviation safety. Chesley Sullenberger