10 Quotes About Astral

Astral quotes serve as a reminder to keep the spirit of the universe in mind. They remind us that we are all one and interconnected, and that we carry the universe with us wherever we go. They also remind us that we can’t be limited by our physical bodies or by our own beliefs. The universe is limitless, and even though we may not always see it, we can feel it.

Let it shine, the light in you. Oh, and that's...
Let it shine, the light in you. Oh, and that's delighting me! Various colors shining through. Elated, it fills my soul with ecstasy. Ana Claudia Antunes
A superior atmosphere exists, in which we all know each other; and there is a mysterious truth — deeper far than the material truth - to which we at once have recourse, when we try to form a conception of a stranger. Have we not all experienced these things, which take place in the impenetrable regions of almost astral humanity? Maurice Maeterlinck
The mind and the spirit can be detached from the physical body in deep meditation. Once the mind and spirit get detached from the physical body, the inner process of life becomes clear to you. Roshan Sharma
Blessed are those that know the path out of their carnal flesh, for they shall attain intuition. Michael Bassey Johnson
The sensation that allows you to experience the physical reality, when detached from the physical body allows you to realize life beyond the physical reality. Roshan Sharma
Tolerence ought to be humanities community and knowledge should be an individuals goal. Clarrissa Lee Moon
The abode of the spirits are astral world and earth land counterparts. In the path of evolution, the soul is futile. You need a body to unfold consciousness. Usha Cosmico
Pain and betrayal and then nothingness. That's the death and she's almost welcoming it. M.C. Frank
Even an Astral Adventure needs a little sensuality." Perhaps you can show me how tastefully decorated your bedroom is." Lee probably felt I did not know what to do next and needed direction. Maybe so, but I did know our coffee was going to get cold. Scot Fin