6 Quotes About Amanda Stephan

Amanda-Stephan is a certified holistic health consultant and life coach. She was born and raised in the cold and unforgiving New York City. Her parents were not wealthy, but they were loving and supportive, encouraging her to believe in herself and reach for what she wanted. As a young adult she took a great leap of faith on a whim and moved to sunny California, where she was fortunate enough to meet her soulmate Read more

Together they live a blissful life of travel, business growth, family, and friends. Amanda-Stephan has been published in several magazines such as, "The Daily Candy", "The Daily Muse", "Daily Diva", "Daily Inspiration", "The Daily Scoop", "Daily People" and more.

You know if you would just do as I say...
You know if you would just do as I say I wouldn't have to hurt you. Amanda Stephan
But just for a minute. I won't be gone long...
But just for a minute. I won't be gone long and if she wakes up before I get back tell her that I love her. Amanda Stephan
I will call Guido if i need to
I will call Guido if i need to Amanda Stephan
Ian " she said quietly "I'd rather die than go back to you." "Be careful what you ask for you may get what you want. Amanda Stephan
I'm not going to let you go " He was silent for a moment. "Carly " he said gently. "Remember when we were first engaged Amanda Stephan