3 Quotes About Aboriginal Culture

Aboriginal culture is a significant aspect of Australian history and heritage. While many people don’t realize it, Aboriginal culture has been around for over 70,000 years. Aboriginal people have distinctive customs. They live in their own communities and speak their own languages Read more

In fact, some Aboriginal languages are as old as the languages of Europe and Africa. They have their own art forms and ceremonies. Many of these practices are handed down from generation to generation.

Aboriginal culture includes the stories of the Dreamtime, which is a time before time, when the first people who had ever lived on Earth lived in harmony with nature and each other.

If they follow the way of Money Chiefs, they shall die. Earth is sick and can no longer care for her children. Now, Earth’s children must care for Earth. Continue to pollute rivers and oceans — rivers and oceans shall drown you. Pollute sky — Sun Spirit shall burn you. Kill more trees — unclean air shall strangle you. Kill more Spirits — disease shall destroy you. Already, Money Chiefs’ skin burns. Their lungs choke on unclean air. Poisoned water spreads disease among them and all Spirits. Rising rivers and oceans shall sweep their homes and lives away. Money Chiefs think money heals broken lives. Unchanged, in the end, Money Chiefs’ money shall cost them their lives. -Frederic Perrin Rella Two Trees―The Money Chiefs . Unknown
Tracker Marks was of a different opinion. Though he seemed more white than a white man, he had no time for their ways. For him his dress, his deportment was no different than staying downwind in the shadows of trees when hunting, blending into the world of those he hunted, rather than standing out from it. Once he had excelled at the emu dance & the kangaroo dance; then his talent led him to the whitefella dance, only now no-one was left of his tribe to stand around the fire & laugh & praise his talent for observation & stealthy imitation. The whites have no law, he told Capois Death, no dreaming. Their way of life made no sense whatsoever. Still, he did not hate them or despise them. They were stupid beyond belief, but they had a power, & somehow their stupidity & their power were, in Tracker Marks’s mind, inextricably connected. But how? he asked Capois Death. How can power & ignorance sleep together? Questions to which Capois Death had no answer. . Richard Flanagan