Quotes From "Woman: An Intimate Geography" By Natalie Angier

Perhaps eggs are like neurons, which also are not replenished...
Perhaps eggs are like neurons, which also are not replenished in adulthood: they know too much. Eggs must plan the party. Sperm need only to show up- wearing top hat and tails, of course. Natalie Angier
The clitoris not only applauds when a women flaunts her mastery; it will give a standing ovation. In the multiple orgasm, we see the finest evidence that our lady Klitoris helps those who help themselves. It may take many minutes to reach the first summit, but once there the lusty mountaineer finds wings awaiting her. She does noy need to scramble back to the ground before scaling the next peak, but can glide like a raptor on currents of joy. . Natalie Angier
Women never bought Freud's idea of penis envy: who would want a shotgun when you can have an automatic? Natalie Angier