Quotes From "Why Jesus Came To Hell" By Tim Liwanag

Perhaps you are experiencing 'hell on earth' right now, but you and I are not hopeless. We are not in a desperate state. You don't have to fear any future hell as well. Jesus has the keys already. He has the power over death and the grave. He is alive forevermore! Look to that. Rest on that always. Tim Liwanag
Granted that there is much sin, suffering, and death everywhere, but why should we believe that these "evils" are too strong to be overcome? Why should weseek an unprecedented tribulation or an outbreak of God's fiery wrath upon the whole inhabited earth instead of an opportunity for sinners to repent and to be reconciled to God? Tim Liwanag
The great design of Jesus' descent into hell is to rousepeople out of their deep sleep, to deliver them from sin and death. Tim Liwanag