Quotes From "When We Collided" By Emery Lord

I'm looking for somekind of permanence, so my mark will...
I'm looking for somekind of permanence, so my mark will linger on the world once I'm gone, in the places where I found joy.." -Page 81 Emery Lord
You can ache for where you come from, and it's...
You can ache for where you come from, and it's homesickness. A relationship, and it's heartbreak. But is there a word for missing your friends like that? Emery Lord
I'm looking for some kind of permanence, so my mark...
I'm looking for some kind of permanence, so my mark will linger on the world once I'm gone, in the places where I found joy.. Emery Lord
My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it. Emery Lord
To the deepest, most cellular level of my being, I resent people who believe that depression is the same as weakness, that "sad" people must be coddled like helpless toddlers. Emery Lord
I know this feeling of being a ghost in your own life - no one sees you, no one feels you, so you stay still as if you could actually disappear at any moment. Emery Lord
I don't appreciated how often people hide their scars and doubts. Really, it's not fair to people who are struggling, to go on believing that everyone else just has it totally together and never has one bad thought in their lives. Emery Lord
So far away, but so beautiful. So powerful. I can always feel it tugging at me. Emery Lord