Quotes From "Whatever It Takes" By J.M. Stewart

Or else I may do something I’m pretty sure you’ll hate me for in the mornin’.” The low huskiness of his voice washed over her like a heated caress, sending shivers down her spine, and obliterating whatever defenses she’d manage to build against him. J.M. Stewart
Those baby blues slid over him, from his chest to his feet and back up, as if he were merchandise she hadn’t yet decided to buy. “I need a man.” Jackson bit back a miserable groan. The woman would be the death of him. J.M. Stewart
She rolled her eyes to the ceiling, clearly telling him what she thought about his need to protect his pride. He leaned down, his face inches from hers, and tapped a finger against her lips, somehow managing to ignore their softness and the overwhelming desire to taste them. “You’re going to owe me for this one, I think. J.M. Stewart
If you continue to touch me, ” he said, his eyes flashing, searing into her, “you’re going to end up in this tub with me. J.M. Stewart