Quotes From "Weird: Because Normal Isnt Working" By Craig Groeschel

If you allow your enemy to steal your faith, he...
If you allow your enemy to steal your faith, he can destroy your life and ultimately kill your relationship with God. Craig Groeschel
When it's clear that we have a commitment to God...
When it's clear that we have a commitment to God that comes before anything else in our lives, most people will respect us even if they don't share our faith. Craig Groeschel
Normal people attempt countless goals with limited success. Weird people...
Normal people attempt countless goals with limited success. Weird people focus on just one God-given objective with tremendous results. Craig Groeschel
The fear of God is the only cure for the...
The fear of God is the only cure for the fear of people. Craig Groeschel
Better a little with God than a whole lot without Him. Better to have fewer houses, cars, appliances, clothes, toys, and bills than to have the whole world and lose your soul. Better something paid for that's used and enjoyed and shared and worn out than something nice and shiny and new that won't be paid for until 2019 and that you're too stressed to enjoy. Better a little with the fear of the Lord than more of what everyone else has. Better than normal, instead of normal is best. Craig Groeschel
If we don't fear God, it's because we don't know...
If we don't fear God, it's because we don't know God. Craig Groeschel
He desperately wants you to know Him. So many people believe in God, but they don't really know Him. And because they don't really know Him, they are lukewarm. The truth is, if you truly knew Him, you couldn't be lukewarm or halfhearted. If you remain lukewarm, maybe it's because you don't know who God really is. Craig Groeschel
Many people may be heartbroken, but not enough to take...
Many people may be heartbroken, but not enough to take action. Craig Groeschel
Sex joins two people spiritually and emotionally as well as...
Sex joins two people spiritually and emotionally as well as physically. This is its purpose-to bond a couple together. Sex connects and fuses people together. Craig Groeschel
Wise people put as much distance between themselves and sexual...
Wise people put as much distance between themselves and sexual temptation as possible. They not only get away but also plan their escape route. Craig Groeschel
Weird people love well.
Weird people love well. Craig Groeschel
Young people today are deeply passionate and crave authentic life based on truth. They're hungry to make a difference. They're willing to take a stand for whatever they believe, even to die for a cause. When they sell out to Jesus, they'll pursue a standard of righteousness that is greater than anything you and I ever saw growing up. Don't water it down. Don't lower the standard. And don't just settle for raising it-raise it higher. Believe in your children. Talk with them. Speak well of them. Encourage them. Pray for them. Celebrate the victories with them. Affirm their growth. We can raise a generation that, although they'll make mistakes, will sell out completely when Jesus grips them. They'll give Him everything. They'll make you proud by being even weirder than you are. Craig Groeschel
In order to honor God with your wealth, you first...
In order to honor God with your wealth, you first have to admit that you are rich. Most people won't do that. It's not normal. Craig Groeschel
Extreme measures bring extreme results. If you want a normal life, do what normal people do. If you want to know God intimately, walk with Him daily, and please Him in every way, you're going to have to do what few do. Absolutely nothing. Craig Groeschel
Normal people live distracted, rarely fully present. Weird people silence...
Normal people live distracted, rarely fully present. Weird people silence the distractions and remain fully in the moment. Craig Groeschel
Face your fears by remembering the power of God's cleaning...
Face your fears by remembering the power of God's cleaning truth. To change the way you are, change the way you think. Craig Groeschel
Rather than continuing on the normal sexual path toward pain, emptiness, and idolatry, you can allow God to heal you, change the way you think, and place deliberate safeguards in your life to protect you. Craig Groeschel
But just as your body needs sleep, your soul needs...
But just as your body needs sleep, your soul needs time to rest in God. To learn more about Him. To talk to Him. To worship and praise Him. To fellowship with other brothers and sisters. Craig Groeschel
To get rid of a spiritual problem, we need to pull it up by its spiritual root. To pull up roots, we're going to have to be willing to get our hands dirty, to make some sacrifices that provides long-term benefits instead of short-term, refinanced gains. God is willing to help us, to provide the tools we need to weed out those areas where our desire for money is spoiling our fruit of the Spirit. Craig Groeschel
If you catch yourself wondering why you want more of the world and you're not satisfied with God, it's because you have a spiritual problem. Craig Groeschel
God decided that this time in history was perfect for you to glorify Him and make an eternal difference. So God gave you unique gifts, talents, passions, and experiences to propel you into your life purpose. Craig Groeschel
Rather than worrying about work, schedules, and deadlines, I felt at peace with God. He was in control. The world at large would not crumble because I turned off my i Phone. This is how it's supposed to be. For the first time in who knows how long, I felt like myself. Fully alive. Fully present. And fully aware of God's goodness. Craig Groeschel
The Bible consistently and directly indicates that when we give generously, we're serving, honoring, and glorifying God. After all, generosity is fundamental to God's nature. Craig Groeschel
You release the pain of the past and press on. It's a new day, and God is doing a new thing. He wants to take you to a new place, to transform you into a new person. Craig Groeschel
When you believe marriage is your answer, you'll often give something that eventually hurts you both. Craig Groeschel
Where your money goes, there your heart follows. Craig Groeschel
Pause for a moment and prayerfully consider your response: What breaks your heart? Craig Groeschel
He puts us here to make an eternal difference. He puts us here to show everyone around us how much He loves them. He puts us here to be His hands and feet, His body and His heart. Craig Groeschel
She asked God to use this experience to help my heart break forever for those who don't know Christ. Craig Groeschel
His famous, soul-stirring "I have a dream" speech will still give you chills and break your heart today. Decades later, long after his life on earth tragically ended, the legacy of his burden lives on, improving lives for generations to come. All because one man allowed his burden to birth a dream. Craig Groeschel
Renew your mind by washing it with truth: God's Word. Craig Groeschel
If you pour everything you have into this life, this world, which is temporary and fading, you're jeopardizing your relationship with God, the only thing that's eternal. Craig Groeschel
It's time to get healed. It's time to confess. Falling for the bait doesn't make you the worst person in the world. You were snared. You were hooked. But you don't have to stay that way. Now is the time to deal with the shackles that keep you enslaved. Today you can leave the prison that sexual immorality has created from your past mistakes. Hear your Father's voice call out to you above the noisy clamor of our culture. He says, "I love you. You're free to go now. Sexual sin has no hold on you. Craig Groeschel
Weird makes you truly sexy in a way the world can never know. Craig Groeschel
Will you have the courage to obey the voice of God? Craig Groeschel
Fueled by faith and passion for our true priorities we're going to drive against traffic in order to find rest, refreshment, and time for what matters most in life. Craig Groeschel
Our minds are so cluttered with endless to-do lists that there's no room for us to experience the joy in being alive today. Craig Groeschel
Inspire them to want so much more than what's normal. Craig Groeschel
God put you on earth with a divine assignment- something prepared in advance for you to do. I've found that the things that make us sad, the things that make us righteously angry, or the things we care about that others don't are often a key that unlocks our reason for living. It's our burden. Craig Groeschel
Instead of drifting away from God, you'll be firmly anchored, able to swim against the tide, offering living water to all you meet. Craig Groeschel
Paul's one thing was committing to forget about the past, to forge ahead into the future. Craig Groeschel
You've never really know what it's like to trust God to provide for you today, because you've got today provided for. And probably tomorrow too. Maybe even into next winter, with all the food socked away in that extra freezer in the garage. Craig Groeschel
But don't ever forget: adultery is also biblical grounds for forgiveness, healing, and restoration. Craig Groeschel
He is the God who loved you so much that His Son stripped Himself of all heavenly glory to live as an impoverished Jewish carpenter so He could shed His blood, suffer, and die for the forgiveness of our sins. Craig Groeschel
My friends don't think they're rich, because they know someone who's richer. Craig Groeschel
For many of us, it's just one thing standing in our way of completely following Jesus. Craig Groeschel
Most of all, we remain focused on our Rock that never moves. Craig Groeschel
She said, "Right now, while we have this time, I'm not going to do any of that other stuff. I'm going to seize this moment and simply enjoy being with Jesus while I can." Mary made a deliberate choice. She wasn't being lazy and using company as an excuse to get out of helping her sister with chores. She was choosing to focus on what mattered the most. Craig Groeschel
If you're a follower of Jesus, He has given you abundance so that you can care for others, not so you can stock up on capri pants for next summer or afford a leather interior in the new SUV. Craig Groeschel
If you're a follower of Jesus, He has given you abundance so that you can care for others, not so you can stock up on capri pants for next summer or afford a leather interior in the new SUV. As long as you don't own the responsibility of being blessed with resources so that you can give to those around you, then you can stay focused on getting more for yourself. Craig Groeschel