Quotes From "We Are Okay" By Nina Lacour

The trouble with denial is that when the truth comes,...
The trouble with denial is that when the truth comes, you aren't ready. Nina Lacour
In the distance are the lights of town. People must be finishing their workdays, picking up their kids, figuring out dinner. They're talking to one another in easy voices about things of great significance and things that don't mean much. The distance between us and all of that living feels insurmountable. Nina Lacour
There are degrees of obsession, of awareness, of grief, of insanity. Nina Lacour
If only I had something to take the edge off the loneliness. If only lonely were a more accurate word. It should sound much less pretty. Nina Lacour
It's a dark place, not knowing. It's difficult to surrender to. But I guess it's where we live most of the time. I guess it's where we all live, so maybe it doesn't have to be so lonely. Maybe I can settle into it, cozy up to it, make a home inside uncertainty. Nina Lacour
I can't muster a smile. Even with the knowledge that it's dark outside and light up here, it's hard to believe that he can see us. We should be invisible. We are so alone. Mabel and I are standing side by side, but we can't even see each other. In the distance are the lights of town. People must be finishing their workdays, picking up their kids, figuring out dinner. They're talking to one another in easy voices about things of great significance and things that don't mean much. The distance between us and all of that living feels insurmountable. Nina Lacour
We take a last look out of the window at the night, and I send a silent wish to everyone out there for this kind of warmth. Nina Lacour
We were nostalgic for a time that wasn't yet over. Nina Lacour