Quotes From "Wanted: Elevator Man" By Joseph G. Peterson

To have luck and fail to act on it is tantamount to not having luck at all. In fact, it was worse. Barnes thought back to his self-help manuals. They all proclaimed with compelling force the necessity of recognizing opportunity then seizing it when it stuck. Joseph G. Peterson
Perhaps that's what she caught, not Life Fatigue but just grief over a broken heart--and the bitterness that comes with being cheated too early of something true--like a young husband's love. Joseph G. Peterson
Several died the day the bomb was dropped. Some lived six months after the explosion but died anyway. They were all lost. It was so long ago, young man. To you it is a history story. To me it is my life. Joseph G. Peterson
He felt entombed and stifled and desperately craved oxygen. He vainly raised the question: Why have you forsaken me?' Call my mother, ' he yelled. He had meant to say: I'm dying. Please call a priest. The shadowy Presence, who had been in a panic, rushed over to him and, disregarding the fact that it was live, pushed the cable aside.' You're alive, ' the Presence said in breathless tones. 'Mamma's here to help.' The elevator continued to descend, creating a vacuum. Barnes gasped for breath.' Breathe in, breathe out, ' the Presence urged. She tapped his pulse rapidly with two fingers. 'Come on, you can do it. One, two, three. Breathe in. Mamma's here to help.' .. In his delirium he thought that indeed his mother was here to help. However, in all of Barnes's twenty-nine years of so-called living, his mother had never come so comfortingly close as this. Joseph G. Peterson